My name is Tasya. Welcome to my bake sale.
Now this isn't a super traditional bake sale.
In fact there are few resemblances at all. Certainly no tasty treats that
leave you with a full belly and a sugar high...Sorry to disappoint.
So..why call it a bake sale, you ask?
Well...many years ago I stumbled upon a book that changed my life. A book about powerhouse women in third world countries who have overcome insurmountable obstacles to achieve great victories in their communities. Women with no voice who have risen to become leaders, and experts, accelerating the charge for global change.
Story after story I was struck by what was happening in the dark alleys and black markets all over the world. Reading about what these women and children have gone through, and despite it all, how they had the courage to speak truth to power. The book stirred something inside of me. I wanted to help, but I didn't know how.
Maybe you've come across those same feelings at some point or another. A feeling of outrage towards injustice that is quickly met with a feeling of powerlessness to do anything about it. All the while, work, family, and other life obligations can leave our altruism in last place on the 'to-do list' as each morning unfurls into night.
Most organizations required a hefty time commitment that was impossible with my work schedule, or alternatively, I could make a few one-way transactional donations, but that didn't feel quite as fulfilling. I wanted to do a bit more than that. There was no happy balance it seemed. I couldn't find a home for myself in an existing organization, so I created what you're seeing now.
Half the Sky encouraged everyone to do whatever they could to raise money and awareness towards the issue of human slavery. They highlighted the various ways in which people all over the world are joining this crusade, and how diverse the manifestation of global support has become. Page after page I read inspiring examples of industrious people who were taking initiative to actually do something. People from all over the world who are organizing loose change drives, church raffles, donation initiatives, and, well, bake sales.
Wait a second..
I can do a bake sale.